Kim Deister


Kim Deister

Kim Deister

Thriller, Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Sep 2017

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    12 August

  • Profession

    Author, Editor


My name is Kim and my last name, Deister, is pronounced “Die-ster.” I always tell my husband I should have kept my married name, Ingram. So much easier to to pronounce!

I am a writer thoroughly in love with words. Reading them, writing them… I love that words can take you outside of your world and let the unimaginable become imaginable. I love them so much that I decided I needed to create some worlds and stories of my own!

Besides being a writer, I am an Army veteran (and Army wife) and a mom to four sons. I grew up in northern New York in a tiny college town called Potsdam. Over the years, our Army life has taken us all over the place and I have been lucky enough to work and live in some pretty amazing places. Right now we live in Hawaii on the island of O’ahu, minutes from the North Shore.

Kim Deister Books

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